Linux Command Line Basic and Shell

Go Into the Shell

Environment: VirtualBox + Vagrant + Git Bash

Terminal and Shell:

  • Terminal (emulator) displays your keyboard input and the output, but itself do not know how to handle your input
  • Shell will accept the input transferred from Terminal, run the command and then send the output to Terminal to display
    • Default shell on Linux and Mac is GNU Bash
    • Can also use such as Python interpreter instead of shell

Some Commands: a bit like calling a Python function (but shell is used to run a program, function is used to organize a program)

expr 2 + 2		# run program, not organize program
echo You rock
uname	# print OS name
bash --version		# most command has --version or -V
history		# typed commands

Alt text

Shell Command


  • echo $COLUMNS x $LINES outputs info with variable

Command History:

  • Up arrow
  • history
  • Ctrl+R for used command search

File Related:

  • ls, by default hide file starting with . (normally store cache or configuration which is not interesting)
    • ls ~ for home dir
  • curl for download anything
    • curl -o dictionary.txt -L '', always keep link inside single quotes
  • unzip
  • cat for concatenate, outputing multiple (small) files
  • less for display file screen by screen
    • / for search
    • q for quit
  • grep for search in file
  • nano for edit the file (integrated in ubuntu)
  • wc for word counts
  • diff for version comparison
  • rm
    • -i for interactive to confirm
    • -r for recursively delete all files under dir
    • -f for ignoring warning
  • apropos for list of commands related to particular keywords, for example, apropos working directory

man + command command: get detailed information of certain command

PS: argument within [] is optional; and arguments are case sensitive

Line Based Programs: like ping (stop with Ctrl+C), sort (execute with Ctrl+D), bc (quit or Ctrl+D)

Full Screen Interactive Programs: like man, less for displaying long file

Output Result to a File:

echo 'Hello World' >> demo.txt		# append to demo.txt
echo 'Brand New' > demo.txt		# overwrite demo.txt

Pipe Commands:

grep ibo dictionary.txt | less		# search ibo in a txt file, and packages the output and send to less
curl -L '' | grep fish		# download from a url and search fish in this file


  • Define just like that in Python, and call it with $ (variable interpolation)
  • Shell variable: like $COLUMNS
  • Environment variable: like $PWD or $LOGNAME
    • $PATH variable stores path of your program files, like path of ls
      • For the exact path of ls, use which ls

The Linux Filesystem

File Name: do not have requirement of file name, and even not require a file extension like Windows

Alt text Alt text

Working Directory: Linux only has one drive:root, to store all files

  • pwd for print working directory
  • cd for change directory
    • cd .. for go outer dir
    • cd only for go to your home dir
  • mkdir for create dir
  • rmdir for remove EMPTY dir
    • rm -r to remove entities in dir

Absolute and Relative Path: start with / or not Alt text

Tab Completion: for file name and also dir

  • One hit for completion, if there are more than one return, press Tab again to show all possible returns

Moving and Copying Files: mv and cp

  • touch for create file

Globbing: 通配符

  • * for anything, can be nothing also
  • ? for any one character
  • {item_1, item_2, ..} for multiple
  • [aeiou] for any one character

Simple Bash Script

  • Add the path of Notepad++ into SYSTEM PATH of windows
  • Record down the path of bash by which bash (below takes /bin/bash as example)
  • Run notepad++
  • In Notepad++

echo 'Hello World'
  • Check flag by ls -l, x in -rwxr-xr-x is executable
    • If not, use chmod +x
  • Run with ./

Customize Your Shell

.bash_profile: run every time when shell start (or run source .bash_profile)

  • can add in PATH of your own shell script, so that run it directly
  • can display certain words when start

$PS1 Variable: for appearance of shell

alias: customize your command (can put into .bash_profile to fix)

alias ll = 'ls -la'
alias cl = 'curl -L'
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