Querying Data with Transact-SQL - Microsoft Certificate in Data Science 2
1. Introduction to Transact-SQL
What is Transact-SQL
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- T-SQL is for SQL server and Azure SQL Database
- SQL is declarative, not procedural – describe what you want, don’t specify steps
Relational Databases (like the relationship used in Power Pivot between different tables)
Entities are represented as relations (tables), in which their attributes are represented as domains (columns)
- Most relational databases are normalized, with relationships defined between tables through primary and foreign keys
- Schemas and Object Names
Schemas are namespaces for database objects (tables)
Fully-qualified names ([ ] means optional)
- in most cases we abbreviate into
- Types
- Data Manipulation Language (DML) – for querying and modifying data (mainly focus on)
- Data Definition Language (DDL) – for defining database objects
- Data Control Language (DCL) – for assigning security permissions
- Data Manipulation Language (DML) – for querying and modifying data (mainly focus on)
The SELECT Statement
Sequence of Statement Running
- Main logic here is that grab data from certain source, and do conditioning, filtering and sorting
Basic Examples
-- All columns (not recommended) SELECT * FROM Production.Product;
-- Specific columns SELECT Name, ListPrice FROM Production.Product;
-- Expressions and Aliases SELECT Name AS Product, ListPrice * 0.9 AS SalePrice FROM Production.Product
Working with Data Types
- Implicit Conversion: compatible data types can be automatically converted between subtypes
- Explicit Conversion: requires an explicit conversion function
has options to formatting dataTRY_CAST
return NULL instead of stop due to errorSTR
number to string
Working with NULLs
NULL represents a missing or unknown value
ANSI behavior for NULL values
- The result of any expression containing a NULL value is NULL
'MyString:' + NULL = NULL
- Equality comparisons always return false for NULL values
returns false (unknown cannot be equal to unknown)NULL IS NULL
returns true (unknown is unknown)
- The result of any expression containing a NULL value is NULL
column / variable, value-
Returns value if the column or variable is NULL
-- If cannot CAST AS integer , return 0 instead of NULL -- NULL numbers = 0 SELECT Name, ISNULL(TRY_CAST(Size AS integer),0) AS NumericSize FROM SalesLT.Product;
-- If Color/Size is NULL, return blank instead of NULL -- NULL strings = blank string SELECT ProductionNumber, ISNULL(Color,'') + ', ' + ISNULL(Size,'') AS NumericSize FROM SalesLT.Product;
column/variable, value-
-- If Color is Multi, make it as NULL is output -- Multi color = NULL SELECT Name, NULLIF(Color, 'Multi') AS SingleColor FROM SalesLT.Product;
, likeif-else
in python-
/* Select Name, and then go to the other column: if SellEndDate is NULL, then output On Sale (can use ISNULL function), otherwise Discontinued, in SalesStatus column */ SELECT Name, CASE WHEN SellEndDate IS NULL THEN 'On Sale' ELSE 'Discontinued' END AS SalesStatus FROM SalesLT.Product;
/* If Size is number, output number; if Size is NULL, output n/a */ SELECT Name, CASE Size WHEN 'S' THEN 'Small' WHEN 'M' THEN 'Medium' WHEN 'L' THEN 'Large' WHEN 'XL' THEN 'Extra-Large' ELSE ISNULL(Size, 'n/a') END AS ProductSize FROM SalesLT.Product;
2. Querying Tables with SELECT
Removing Duplicates
– return all rows -
– return unique only -
SELECT DISTINCT Color FROM Production.Product;
Sorting Resulting
/* ORDER BY Can use unselected columns for sorting */ SELECT ProductCategory AS Category, ProductName FROM Production.Product ORDER BY Category, Price DESC;
/* TOP -- limiting sorted results SELECT TOP (N) | TOP (N) Percent SELECT TOP (N) WITH TIES */ SELECT TOP 100 Name, ListPrice FROM SalesLT.Product ORDER BY ListPrice DESC;
/* OFFSET and FETCH -- paging through result like bbs pages (dependent on ORDER BY clause) */ SELECT Name, ListPrice FROM SalesLT.Product ORDER BY ProductNumber OFFSET 10 ROWS FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY;
Filtering and Predicates
with glob-
-- List info about products taht have a product number beginning FR SELECT productnumber, Name, ListPrice FROM SalesLT.Product WHERE ProductNumber LIKE 'FR%'; -- % for no matter length
-- Filter the previous query to ensure that the product number contains two sets of two digits SELECT Name, ListPrice FROM SalesLT.Product WHERE ProductNumber LIKE 'FR-_[0-9][0-9]_-[0-9][0-9]'; -- _ for any one character
Combining Multiple Conditions
-- Find products that have a category ID of 5,6,7 and have a sell end date SELECT ProductCategoryID, Name, ListPrice, SellEndDate FROM SalesLT.Product WHERE ProductCategoryID IN (5,6,7) AND SellEndDate IS NULL;
3. Querying Multiple Tables with Joins (Columns)
Introductions to Joins – combine rows from multiple tables by specifying matching criteria
Usually based on on primary key - foreign key relationships (like VLOOKUP)
- Collection of tables of Employee and SalesOrder
-- JOIN statement in FROM clause -- SQL will join first, and then select from new table SELECT ... FROM Table1 JOIN Table2 ON <on_predicate>;
Inner Joins
Default of JOIN statement, starting with Cartesian product then adds filter
-- Normal Inner Join SELECT p.Name As ProductName, c.Name AS Category FROM SalesLT.Product AS p JOIN SalesLT.ProductCategory As c ON p.ProductCategoryID = c.ProductCategoryID;
-- Join more than 2 tables SELECT * FROM SalesLT.SalesOrderHeader AS oh JOIN SalesLT.SalesOrderDetail AS od ON od.SalesOrderID = oh.SalesOrderID JOIN SalesLT.Product AS p ON od.ProductID = p.ProductID
-- Multiple join predicates SELECT * FROM SalesLT.SalesOrderHeader AS oh JOIN SalesLT.SalesOrderDetail AS od ON od.SalesOrderID = oh.SalesOrderID JOIN SalesLT.Product AS p ON od.ProductID = p.ProductID AND od.UnitPrice < p.ListPrice -- Like what does WHERE do as a filtering
Outer Joins
Starting with Cartesian product, filtered, adds back non-matching rows (with NULL placeholders)
- Preserved one table –> matches from the other –> additional rows (NULL) added to results for non-matched rows
- Return all employees, and sales info of those has order amount; employee has no order amount will has NULL in that column
-- Left outer join SELECT * FROM SalesLT.Product AS p LEFT JOIN SalesLT.SalesOrderDetail AS od ON p.ProductID = od.ProductID LEFT JOIN SalesLT.SalesOrderHeader AS oh ON od.SalesOrderID = oh.SalesOrderID
-- Outer join combined with inner join SELECT * FROM SalesLT.Product AS p LEFT JOIN SalesLT.SalesOrderDetail AS od ON p.ProductID = od.ProductID LEFT JOIN SalesLT.SalesOrderHeader AS oh ON od.SalesOrderID = oh.SalesOrderID INNER JOIN SalesLT.ProductCategory AS c ON p.ProductCategoryID = c.ProductCategoryID
Cross Joins
Cartesian product only, which outputs all possible combinations
Self Joins
Compare rows in same table to each other – create one more instances as same as the original table using alias, then left join